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How to Stop a Dog from Chewing Things They Shouldn't

Although chewing is normal for dogs, you probably don't want to sacrifice your new boots. If you are at your wit's end with your dog's destructive chewing, here are a few tips from our Clovis vets on how to stop a dog from chewing things they shouldn't.

Why won't my dog stop chewing things?

Chewing on objects allows your dog to explore the world around them. It can also relieve teething pain for puppies and help adult dogs keep their jaws strong and teeth clean.

While chewing is healthy for dogs, they may not always choose appropriate items to chew on. But why is that?

Stress & Anxiety

Our beloved pets are social animals and many experience separation anxiety when their owners are not around. Dogs often resort to chewing when feeling anxious or stressed to soothe themselves.


If your dog spends extended periods alone without mental stimulation, it can quickly become bored. To pass the time, it may resort to chewing on any interesting objects that it finds around your house.

Puppy Teething

Puppies, like human babies, go through an uncomfortable teething period. During this time, your puppy is likely to chew frequently to relieve its pain and discomfort.


It is not uncommon for dogs on calorie-restricted diets to begin chewing on objects to find other sources of nutrition. This type of chewing is generally directed toward objects related to food or that smell like food, such as plastic bowls.

How do I stop my dog from chewing my stuff?

When trying to prevent your dog from destructive chewing, it is essential to identify the cause and eliminate any of the problems listed above. Step two focuses on redirecting your dog's chewing to more desirable objects, such as chew toys.


Ensuring your dog gets enough exercise is essential for their well-being and behavior.

High-energy breeds like Border Collies, German Shepherds, Brittanys, and Springer Spaniels require at least two hours of exercise daily. In contrast, less active breeds like Pomeranians, Pugs, and Shih Tzus can do well with as little as 40 minutes of exercise daily.

Sufficient exercise can help reduce destructive chewing and contribute to a happier and more content pup.


To help reduce separation anxiety or boredom in dogs that spend extended periods alone, try training your dog to associate alone time with positive experiences.

When you leave, provide a puzzle toy stuffed with food and a variety of fun, special toys that your dog only gets to play with while you are away to retain the novelty.

Providing your dog with many exciting toys will create a positive association with alone time and distract them from the objects you don't want your dog to chew on.

Dog Proofing

Removing all other temptations can help ensure that your pup only chews designated objects. Place valuable objects out of reach, make sure your laundry is put away or in a closed hamper, and ensure that books and children's toys are stored out of your dog's reach.

Discourage Unwanted Chewing

When you encounter your dog chewing on an item it shouldn't be, say "no," take it away, and replace it with a chew toy. Then, be sure to provide lots of praise when your dog chews on the toy instead.

If none of the suggestions above successfully stop your dog's destructive chewing, you may want to try spraying any objects you don't want your dog to chew with a dog deterrent spray. 

When to Seek Professional Help

If your dog’s chewing persists despite your efforts, seek advice from a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer. They can help identify any underlying medical or behavioral issues and provide tailored solutions.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is your dogs chewing causing problems with their health or your belongings? Our experienced vets at Family Pet Hospital can help! Contact our vets right away to book an exam for your dog.

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